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Optimizing MPxLocatorNode draw

I created an MPxLocatorNode with Maya api in c++. The node doesn't have a compute method, it just has different styles of shapes that is drawn with open gl in the draw method.

One style it draws is the cross, exactly the same as a locator. So I went to take some benchmarks to compare it to a native locator and noticed that my node's performance is way slower. Maya's locator was roughly 4x faster!

1000 nodes

My node: 74 fps

Maya's locator: 300 fps

What am I doing wrong that's slowing down the performance of my node? The only thing I can think of is that I am getting my node's MObjects via MPlug in the draw method, unlike getting them from a data block like you could in the compute method.

My cpp file is below. Most of the slow down should be in the draw method.

#include "point.h"

MTypeId Point::id(0x00000900);

MObject Point::input_display;
MObject Point::input_box;
MObject Point::input_cross;
MObject Point::input_tick;
MObject Point::input_axis;
MObject Point::input_color;

MColorArray Point::colors;

Point::Point() {

void Point::postConstructor() {
    MObject self = thisMObject();
    MFnDependencyNode fn_node(self);

Point::~Point() {

void* Point::creator() {
    return new Point();

MStatus Point::initialize() {
    MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;

    input_display = nAttr.create("display", "display", MFnNumericData::kInt, 1);

    input_box = nAttr.create("box", "box", MFnNumericData::kInt, 0);

    input_cross = nAttr.create("cross", "cross", MFnNumericData::kInt, 1);

    input_tick = nAttr.create("tick", "tick", MFnNumericData::kInt, 0);

    input_axis = nAttr.create("axis", "axis", MFnNumericData::kInt, 0);

    MFnEnumAttribute eAttr;

    input_color = eAttr.create("color", "color", MFnData::kNumeric);

    eAttr.addField("Black", 0);
    eAttr.addField("Grey", 1);
    eAttr.addField("White", 2);
    eAttr.addField("Red", 3);
    eAttr.addField("Light red", 4);
    eAttr.addField("Dark red", 5);
    eAttr.addField("Green", 6);
    eAttr.addField("Light green", 7);
    eAttr.addField("Dark green", 8);
    eAttr.addField("Blue", 9);
    eAttr.addField("Light blue", 10);
    eAttr.addField("Dark blue", 11);
    eAttr.addField("Purple", 12);
    eAttr.addField("Magenta", 13);
    eAttr.addField("Brown", 14);
    eAttr.addField("Yellow", 15);
    eAttr.addField("Dark yellow", 16);
    eAttr.addField("Orange", 17);


    colors.append(MColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // black
    colors.append(MColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); // grey
    colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); // white
    colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // red
    colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 0.6899999976158142f, 0.6899999976158142f)); // light_red
    colors.append(MColor(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // dark_red
    colors.append(MColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); // green
    colors.append(MColor(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f)); // light_green
    colors.append(MColor(0.0f, 0.25f, 0.0f)); // dark_green
    colors.append(MColor(0.1889999955892563f, 0.6299999952316284f, 0.6299999952316284f)); // blue
    colors.append(MColor(0.3919999897480011f, 0.8629999756813049f, 1.0f)); // light_blue
    colors.append(MColor(0.0f, 0.01600000075995922f, 0.37599998712539673f)); // dark_blue
    colors.append(MColor(0.25f, 0.0f, 0.25f)); // purple
    colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); // magenta
    colors.append(MColor(0.75f, 0.2f, 0.0f)); // brown
    colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); // yellow
    colors.append(MColor(0.62117999792099f, 0.6299999952316284f, 0.1889999955892563f)); // dark_yellow
    colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f)); // orange

    return MS::kSuccess;

void Point::draw(M3dView& view, const MDagPath& mdag_path, 
                 M3dView::DisplayStyle display_style, 
                 M3dView::DisplayStatus display_status) {

    MObject self = thisMObject();

    int display = MPlug(self, input_display).asInt();
    int use_box = MPlug(self, input_box).asInt();
    int use_cross = MPlug(self, input_cross).asInt();
    int use_tick = MPlug(self, input_tick).asInt();
    int use_axis = MPlug(self, input_axis).asInt();
    int color_index = MPlug(self, input_color).asInt();

    if (display == 0) {

    MPlug local_position = MFnDependencyNode(thisMObject()).findPlug("localPosition");
    float tx = local_position.child(0).asFloat();
    float ty = local_position.child(1).asFloat();
    float tz = local_position.child(2).asFloat();

    MPlug local_scale = MFnDependencyNode(thisMObject()).findPlug("localScale");
    float sx = local_scale.child(0).asFloat();
    float sy = local_scale.child(1).asFloat();
    float sz = local_scale.child(2).asFloat();

    MColor color;
    switch (display_status) {
    case M3dView::kActive:
        color = MColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    case M3dView::kLead:
        color = MColor(0.26f, 1.0f, 0.64f);
    case M3dView::kActiveAffected:
        color = MColor(0.783999979496f, 0.0f, 0.783999979496f);
    case M3dView::kTemplate:
        color = MColor(0.469999998808f, 0.469999998808f, 0.469999998808f);
    case M3dView::kActiveTemplate:
        color = MColor(1.0f, 0.689999997616f, 0.689999997616f);
        color = colors[color_index];


    if (use_axis == 1) {
        view.setDrawColor(MColor(1.0, 0, 0));
        view.drawText("x", MPoint(sx + tx, ty, tz), M3dView::kCenter);

        view.setDrawColor(MColor(0, 1.0, 0));
        view.drawText("y", MPoint(tx, sy + ty, tz), M3dView::kCenter);

        view.setDrawColor(MColor(0, 0, 1.0));
        view.drawText("z", MPoint(tx, ty, sz + tz), M3dView::kCenter);


    if (use_box == 1) {
        glColor3f(color.r, color.g, color.b);

        // Top
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, sy + ty, -sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, sy + ty, -sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(sx + tx, sy + ty, -sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, sy + ty, sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(sx + tx, sy + ty, sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, sy + ty, sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, sy + ty, sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, sy + ty, -sz + tz);

        // Bottom
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, -sy + ty, -sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, -sy + ty, -sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(sx + tx, -sy + ty, -sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, -sy + ty, sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(sx + tx, -sy + ty, sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, -sy + ty, sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, -sy + ty, sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, -sy + ty, -sz + tz);

        // Left
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, -sy + ty, -sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, sy + ty, -sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, sy + ty, -sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, sy + ty, sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, sy + ty, sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, -sy + ty, sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, -sy + ty, sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, -sy + ty, -sz + tz);

        // Right
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, -sy + ty, -sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, sy + ty, -sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(sx + tx, sy + ty, -sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, sy + ty, sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(sx + tx, sy + ty, sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, -sy + ty, sz + tz);

        glVertex3f(sx + tx, -sy + ty, sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, -sy + ty, -sz + tz);

    if (use_cross == 1) {
        glColor3f(color.r, color.g, color.b);

        glVertex3f(tx, -sy + ty, tz);
        glVertex3f(tx, sy + ty, tz);

        glVertex3f(-sx + tx, ty, tz);
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, ty, tz);

        glVertex3f(tx, ty, -sz + tz);
        glVertex3f(tx, ty, sz + tz);

    if (use_tick == 1) {
        glColor3f(color.r, color.g, color.b);

        glVertex3f((-sx*0.05f) + tx, (sy*0.05f) + ty, tz);
        glVertex3f((sx*0.05f) + tx, (-sy*0.05f) + ty, tz);

        glVertex3f((sx*0.05f) + tx, (sy*0.05f) + ty, tz);
        glVertex3f((-sx*0.05f) + tx, (-sy*0.05f) + ty, tz);

        glVertex3f(tx, (sy*0.05f) + ty, (-sz*0.05f) + tz);
        glVertex3f(tx, (-sy*0.05f) + ty, (sz*0.05f) + tz);

        glVertex3f(tx, (sy*0.05f) + ty, (sz*0.05f) + tz);
        glVertex3f(tx, (-sy*0.05f) + ty, (-sz*0.05f) + tz);

        glVertex3f((sx*0.05f) + tx, ty, (-sz*0.05f) + tz);
        glVertex3f((-sx*0.05f) + tx, ty, (sz*0.05f) + tz);

        glVertex3f((sx*0.05f) + tx, ty, (sz*0.05f) + tz);
        glVertex3f((-sx*0.05f) + tx, ty, (-sz*0.05f) + tz);

    if (use_axis == 1) {
        glColor3f(color.r, color.g, color.b);

        if (display_status == M3dView::kDormant) {
            glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(tx, ty, tz);
        glVertex3f(sx + tx, ty, tz);

        if (display_status == M3dView::kDormant) {
            glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(tx, ty, tz);
        glVertex3f(tx, sy + ty, tz);

        if (display_status == M3dView::kDormant) {
            glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        glVertex3f(tx, ty, tz);
        glVertex3f(tx, ty, sz + tz);




I was commenting portions of code to figure out where the slowdown is, and it looks like as soon as I uncomment gl draw methods the performance drops from 300 fps to 80 fps. Whaddup with that??


  • Before I had 1000 nodes running at 72 fps, and now I got it to 270 fps.

    Honestly I'm a bit disappointed that it's still slower than Maya's locator, but at least this is more doable.

    I found that reducing calls to MPlugs in the draw method improved performance significantly. The idea was to use private properties instead, and only use MPlugs when the attributes get dirty. I was able to do this with MPxNode::setDependentsDirty to update the private variables with the plug values.

    I also used MPxLocatorNode::isBounded and MPxLocatorNode::boundingBox. This doesn't make the node itself faster, but it won't calculate if it's outside of the camera's view, so it'll make the scene faster.

    Like cyrille said in his answer, I think the difference now is that I'm using GL calls for drawing, so please feel free to share any good examples to draw in viewport 2.0.

    My updated cpp file:

    #include "point.h"
    MTypeId Point::id(0x00000900);
    MObject Point::input_display;
    MObject Point::input_box;
    MObject Point::input_cross;
    MObject Point::input_tick;
    MObject Point::input_axis;
    MObject Point::input_color;
    MColorArray Point::_colors;
    Point::Point() {
    void Point::postConstructor() {
        MObject self = thisMObject();
        MFnDependencyNode fn_node(self);
        _self = self;
        _update_attrs = true;
    Point::~Point() {
    void* Point::creator() {
        return new Point();
    MStatus Point::initialize() {
        MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
        input_display = nAttr.create("display", "display", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
        input_box = nAttr.create("box", "box", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
        input_cross = nAttr.create("cross", "cross", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
        input_tick = nAttr.create("tick", "tick", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
        input_axis = nAttr.create("axis", "axis", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
        MFnEnumAttribute eAttr;
        input_color = eAttr.create("color", "color", MFnData::kNumeric);
        eAttr.addField("Black", 0);
        eAttr.addField("Grey", 1);
        eAttr.addField("White", 2);
        eAttr.addField("Red", 3);
        eAttr.addField("Light red", 4);
        eAttr.addField("Dark red", 5);
        eAttr.addField("Green", 6);
        eAttr.addField("Light green", 7);
        eAttr.addField("Dark green", 8);
        eAttr.addField("Blue", 9);
        eAttr.addField("Light blue", 10);
        eAttr.addField("Dark blue", 11);
        eAttr.addField("Purple", 12);
        eAttr.addField("Magenta", 13);
        eAttr.addField("Brown", 14);
        eAttr.addField("Yellow", 15);
        eAttr.addField("Dark yellow", 16);
        eAttr.addField("Orange", 17);
        _colors.append(MColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // black
        _colors.append(MColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); // grey
        _colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); // white
        _colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // red
        _colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 0.6899999976158142f, 0.6899999976158142f)); // light_red
        _colors.append(MColor(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // dark_red
        _colors.append(MColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); // green
        _colors.append(MColor(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f)); // light_green
        _colors.append(MColor(0.0f, 0.25f, 0.0f)); // dark_green
        _colors.append(MColor(0.1889999955892563f, 0.6299999952316284f, 0.6299999952316284f)); // blue
        _colors.append(MColor(0.3919999897480011f, 0.8629999756813049f, 1.0f)); // light_blue
        _colors.append(MColor(0.0f, 0.01600000075995922f, 0.37599998712539673f)); // dark_blue
        _colors.append(MColor(0.25f, 0.0f, 0.25f)); // purple
        _colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); // magenta
        _colors.append(MColor(0.75f, 0.2f, 0.0f)); // brown
        _colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); // yellow
        _colors.append(MColor(0.62117999792099f, 0.6299999952316284f, 0.1889999955892563f)); // dark_yellow
        _colors.append(MColor(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f)); // orange
        return MS::kSuccess;
    bool Point::isBounded() const {
        return true;
    MBoundingBox Point::boundingBox() const {
        MBoundingBox bbox;
        bbox.expand(MVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        bbox.expand(MVector(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        bbox.expand(MVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
        bbox.expand(MVector(0.0, -1.0, 0.0));
        bbox.expand(MVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
        bbox.expand(MVector(0.0, 0.0, -1.0));
        return bbox;
    MStatus Point::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data) {
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;
    MStatus Point::setDependentsDirty(const MPlug& dirty_plug, MPlugArray& affected_plugs) {
        MString plug_name_MString = dirty_plug.partialName();
        std::string plug_name = plug_name_MString.asChar();
        if (plug_name == "display") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "box") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "cross") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "tick") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "axis") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "color") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "lpx") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "lpy") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "lpz") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "lsx") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "lsy") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        else if (plug_name == "lsz") {
            _update_attrs = true;
        return MS::kSuccess;
    void Point::draw(M3dView& view, const MDagPath& mdag_path, 
                     M3dView::DisplayStyle display_style, 
                     M3dView::DisplayStatus display_status) {
        if (Point::_update_attrs) {
            _display = MPlug(_self, Point::input_display).asBool();
            _box = MPlug(_self, Point::input_box).asBool();
            _cross = MPlug(_self, Point::input_cross).asBool();
            _tick = MPlug(_self, Point::input_tick).asBool();
            _axis = MPlug(_self, Point::input_axis).asBool();
            _color = MPlug(_self, Point::input_color).asShort();
            _tx = MPlug(_self, Point::localPositionX).asFloat();
            _ty = MPlug(_self, Point::localPositionY).asFloat();
            _tz = MPlug(_self, Point::localPositionZ).asFloat();
            _sx = MPlug(_self, Point::localScaleX).asFloat();
            _sy = MPlug(_self, Point::localScaleY).asFloat();
            _sz = MPlug(_self, Point::localScaleZ).asFloat();
            _update_attrs = false;
        if (! _display) {
        MColor color;
        switch (display_status) {
        case M3dView::kActive:
            color = MColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
        case M3dView::kLead:
            color = MColor(0.26f, 1.0f, 0.64f);
        case M3dView::kActiveAffected:
            color = MColor(0.783999979496f, 0.0f, 0.783999979496f);
        case M3dView::kTemplate:
            color = MColor(0.469999998808f, 0.469999998808f, 0.469999998808f);
        case M3dView::kActiveTemplate:
            color = MColor(1.0f, 0.689999997616f, 0.689999997616f);
            color = _colors[_color];
        if (_axis) {
            view.setDrawColor(MColor(1.0, 0, 0));
            view.drawText("x", MPoint(_sx + _tx, _ty, _tz), M3dView::kCenter);
            view.setDrawColor(MColor(0, 1.0, 0));
            view.drawText("y", MPoint(_tx, _sy + _ty, _tz), M3dView::kCenter);
            view.setDrawColor(MColor(0, 0, 1.0));
            view.drawText("z", MPoint(_tx, _ty, _sz + _tz), M3dView::kCenter);
        if (_box) {
            glColor3f(color.r, color.g, color.b);
            // Top rect
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            // Bottom rect
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            // Left rect
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            // Right rect
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, _sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, _sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, -_sy + _ty, -_sz + _tz);
        if (_cross) {
            glColor3f(color.r, color.g, color.b);
            glVertex3f(_tx, -_sy + _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f(_tx, _sy + _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f(-_sx + _tx, _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f(_tx, _ty, -_sz + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_tx, _ty, _sz + _tz);
        if (_tick) {
            glColor3f(color.r, color.g, color.b);
            glVertex3f((-_sx*0.05f) + _tx, (_sy*0.05f) + _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f((_sx*0.05f) + _tx, (-_sy*0.05f) + _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f((_sx*0.05f) + _tx, (_sy*0.05f) + _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f((-_sx*0.05f) + _tx, (-_sy*0.05f) + _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f(_tx, (_sy*0.05f) + _ty, (-_sz*0.05f) + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_tx, (-_sy*0.05f) + _ty, (_sz*0.05f) + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_tx, (_sy*0.05f) + _ty, (_sz*0.05f) + _tz);
            glVertex3f(_tx, (-_sy*0.05f) + _ty, (-_sz*0.05f) + _tz);
            glVertex3f((_sx*0.05f) + _tx, _ty, (-_sz*0.05f) + _tz);
            glVertex3f((-_sx*0.05f) + _tx, _ty, (_sz*0.05f) + _tz);
            glVertex3f((_sx*0.05f) + _tx, _ty, (_sz*0.05f) + _tz);
            glVertex3f((-_sx*0.05f) + _tx, _ty, (-_sz*0.05f) + _tz);
        if (_axis) {
            glColor3f(color.r, color.g, color.b);
            if (display_status == M3dView::kDormant) {
                glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            glVertex3f(_tx, _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f(_sx + _tx, _ty, _tz);
            if (display_status == M3dView::kDormant) {
                glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            glVertex3f(_tx, _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f(_tx, _sy + _ty, _tz);
            if (display_status == M3dView::kDormant) {
                glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            glVertex3f(_tx, _ty, _tz);
            glVertex3f(_tx, _ty, _sz + _tz);