I'm building a simple react/flux application using the store from flux/utils and, of course, Immutablejs. When the application boot initially the state retrieved from store is an Immutable.map but after a dispatch the map turns magically to object keeping all the map properties but throwing an exception when I try to get a key value.
My dispatcher:
export function dispatch(type, action = {}) {
if (!type) {
throw new Error('You forgot to specify type.');
// In production, thanks to DefinePlugin in webpack.config.production.js,
// this comparison will turn `false`, and UglifyJS will cut logging out
// as part of dead code elimination.
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// Logging all actions is useful for figuring out mistakes in code.
// All data that flows into our application comes in form of actions.
// Actions are just plain JavaScript objects describing “what happened”.
// Think of them as newspapers.
if (action.error) {
console.error(type, action);
} else {
console.log(type, action);
flux.dispatch({ type, ...action });
my store:
class TabStoreClass extends Store {
constructor(dispatcher, store) {
super(dispatcher, store);
this._store = store;
getStore() {
return this._store;
//Register each of the actions with the dispatcher
//by changing the store's data and emitting a
__onDispatch(payload) {
const { type, activeKey } = payload;
switch (type) {
case ActionTypes.CHANGE_TAB:
this._store = this._store.update("activeKey", (activeKey) => activeKey);
let store = Immutable.Map({ activeKey: 1 });
const TabStore = new TabStoreClass(AppDispatcher, store);
export default TabStore;
and the component:
export default class AppContainer extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = TabStore.getStore();
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
_onChange = () => {
render() {
console.log("state", this.state);
render() {
console.log("state", this.state);
return (
<TopNavigation activeKey={this.state.get("activeKey")} />
<Grid fluid>
<Col className="sidebar" md={2}>
<SideBar activeKey={this.state.get("activeKey")} />
<Col className="main" sm={9} smOffset={3} md={10} mdOffset={2}>
And the component that triggers the action:
export default class TopNavigation extends Component {
static propTypes = {
activeKey: PropTypes.number.isRequired
handleSelect = (selectedKey) => {
AppActionCreator.changeTab({ activeKey: selectedKey });
Image of the error as well.
Am I doing something wrong (for certain) or is it a bug?
Your problem is that a React component's state cannot be an Immutable.js structure. It needs to be a plain js object. So, your store should be instead:
let store = {
data: Immutable.Map({ activeKey: 1 })