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Postfix to Infix - Parenthesis

I'm trying to implement postfix to infix and infix to postfix (using stacks) and everything is going well except that when I'm converting from postfix I can't come up with the idea how to deal with parenthesis. It says I have to use minimum number of parenthesis. For example:

<POSTFIX> ab+c*da-fb-*+
<INFIX> (a+b)*c+(d-a)*(f-b)


private static class Postfix {
    private void convert(String postfix) {
        Stack<String> s = new Stack<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < postfix.length(); i++) {
        char o = postfix.charAt(i);
        if (isOperator(o)) {
            if (o == '~') {
            String a = s.pop();
            s.push(o + a);
            else {
            String b = s.pop();
            String a = s.pop();
            s.push(a + o + b);
        } else s.push("" + o);
        System.out.println("<INF>" + s.pop().toString());

Any help will be much appreciated.


  • Well, if you can assume that all the variable names are single chars (as it seems you do), then you could do something like:

    private static class Postfix {
        private void convert(String postfix) {
            Stack<String> s = new Stack<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < postfix.length(); i++) {
                char o = postfix.charAt(i);
                if (isOperator(o)) {
                    if (o == '~') {
                        String a = s.pop();
                        if ( a.size() > 1 ) { a = "(" + a + ")"; }
                        s.push("" + o + a);
                    else {
                        String b = s.pop();
                        String a = s.pop();
                        if ( o == '*' || o == '/' ) {
                            if ( b.size() > 1 ) { b = "(" + b + ")"; }
                            if ( a.size() > 1 ) { a = "(" + a + ")"; }
                        s.push("" + a + o + b);
                } else {
                    s.push("" + o);
            System.out.println("<INF>" + s.pop().toString());

    The problem with this, is it'll wrap the left-hand side of a multiply with parentheses, regardless of whether that operation "needs" it.

    To do more, you'd need to create a class (Operation or some such) containing a left-side String, right-side String, and operator. Then, where I currently just check to see if the b or a is larger than 1, you could check what kind of operator it had instead.

    Ok, here's the more complete answer, I think:

    private static class Postfix {
        class Operation {  // internal class
           Operation lhs;
           Operation rhs;
           char operator;
           char varname;
           boolean shouldParens = false;
           Operation( Operation l, char operator, Operation r ) {
              this.lhs = l;
              this.rhs = r;
              this.operator = operator;
           Operation( char name ) {
              this.varname = name;
           public void addParensIfShould( char newop ) {
              if ( !varname ) {
                  if ( newop == '~' ) {
                     this.shouldParens = true;
                  else if ( newop == '*' || newop == '/' ) {
                     if ( this.operator == '+' || this.operator == '-' ) {
                        this.shouldParens = true;
           public String toString() {
              if ( varname ) return "" + varname;
              StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
              if ( shouldParens ) b.append("(");
              if ( lhs ) { b.append( lhs.toString() ); }
              b.append( operator );
              if ( rhs ) { b.append( rhs.toString() ); }
              if ( shouldParens ) b.append(")");
              return b.toString()
        private void convert(String postfix) {
            Stack<Operation> s = new Stack<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < postfix.length(); i++) {
                char o = postfix.charAt(i);
                if (isOperator(o)) {
                    if (o == '~') {
                        Operation a = s.pop();
                        a.addParensIfShould( o );
                        Operation newOp = new Operation( null, o, a );
                        System.out.println( "Adding uni op " + newOp )
                    else {
                        Operation b = s.pop();
                        Operation a = s.pop();
                        a.addParensIfShould( o );
                        b.addParensIfShould( o );
                        Operation newOp = new Operation( a, o, b );
                        System.out.println( "Adding bi op " + newOp )
                } else {
                    Operation newOp = new Operation( o ); // it's just a varname
                    System.out.println( "Adding varname op " + newOp )
            System.out.println "<INF>" + s.toString()