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AngularJs dropdown menu-content covering menu button

My dropdown menu content is covering up my dropdown button, any idea how to fix it? I want it to appear directly underneath my dropdown button. I have tried creating a class and style it in CSS as "position: absolute;" but it doesn't work. Here is my code in angular:

<div ng-controller="Ctrll" ng-app="Fruit">

      <md-button ng-click="$mdOpenMenu()">Fruits
      <md-menu-content class="dropdown" >

         <md-menu-item >
                        <md-button ng-click="apple()">Apple</md-button>
                        <md-button ng-click="blueberry()">Blueberry </md-button>

here is my Angular app


  .controller('Ctrll', function () {
    var originatorEv;

    this.openMenu = function($mdOpenMenu, ev) {
      originatorEv = ev;

I have added it to codepen. Here is how my code looks like in action.

Also, does anyone know how to change the color of the background of the dropdown menu content?


  • why can't you change the CSS property of class{
      top: 45px !important;

    Check this updated codepen