I am using JIDE grids for loading huge data tables in a uitable format. My main reason for using JIDE grid was to have a working filtering and sorting ability. There are filter/sorters available out there which can be hooked with old uitable and are easier to configure but most sort lexically rather than numerically. I believe that is due to Matlab's underlying data class.
So far, JIDEs inbuilt filtering is working well and uitable loads even faster than old version of uitable in Matlab when I load neary 500x35 of mixed data type. But there are a few other things that I would like to configure, to which I have found no referent in JIDE documentation.
1) Does anyone knows how to add row number column in JIDE implementation? (just like row number header in old/new uitable configurations). I have tried to use findobj and inspect (by Yair Altman) utility to find them and switch them on but they seems to be completely missing.Or I am missing something!
2) When we select 'custom filter' from the column dropdown and pick 'is' or 'doesn't equal' or 'is greater than' it shows a date selection tab, how can we remove this tab. If that is not possible or difficult, how can I remove these options?
3) Lastly, How can I set the number of decimal places displayed in the grid?
Code to reproduce the issues.
% calling old uitable for performance reasons
[h_Old,containter] = uitable('v0','data',magic(5),'ColumnNames',{'A','B',...
'C','D','E'},'Position',[5 5 500 400],'Parent',f1);
% Anotherway: JIDE grids even faster in setting up uitable with huge data
theader = com.jidesoft.grid.AutoFilterTableHeader(jtable);
jscroll = javax.swing.JScrollPane(jtable);
[h_old_2,container_2] = javacomponent(jscroll,[5,5,500,400],f2)
Thanks for your time and help.
Answering for the benefit of the other who might face the same problem.
1) JIDE does not have a row header automatically. It can be done via TableScrollPane which is unfortunately a lot of more complicated. A simple workaround is to make first column as row header and giving it a 'Look and Feel' of a row header by making changes to DefaultTableCellRenderer. Code below. I guess this is easily maintainable in the long run.
% Making changes to DefaultTableCellRenderer
% Give first column a header look, Center data
cr0 = javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer();
cr0.setHorizontalAlignment(0) % 0 for CENTER, 2 for LEFT and 4 for RIGHT
cr0.setBackground(java.awt.Color(15790320)); % grey backgroundt
2) This can be done by defining jtable column class. Still work in progress. Will update my answer soon.
3) Decimal places can be set by writing a simple extension to DefautTableCellRenderer in Java. Compile this to get a class > javaaddpath to this class in matlab > replace DefaultTableCellRenderer with your TableCellRenderer. A sample Java Class is below:
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class CustomCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer implements TableCellRenderer
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent
(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column)
JComponent cell = (JComponent) super.getTableCellRendererComponent
(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
// set color
cell.setBackground(new Color(0xC8C8C8));
cell.setForeground(new Color(0xFFFFFF));
//set Alignment
//set selection colors
if (isSelected){
cell.setBackground(new Color(0x3399FF));
cell.setForeground(new Color(0x000000)); // AM
// set decimals
DecimalFormat DecimalFormatter = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
value = DecimalFormatter.format(value);
return super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
return cell;
Add this class to Matlab and replace replace DefaultTableCellRenderer with your TableCellRenderer like this.
data = {8.252,1.528,6.2598; 3.258,5.548,7.698; 4.448,9.5454,2.5644};
cols = {'A','B','C'}
jtable = com.jidesoft.grid.SortableTable();
jscroll = javax.swing.JScrollPane(jtable);
[htable,container] = javacomponent(jscroll,[5,5,500,400]);
for i=0:2, jtable.getColumnModel.getColumn(i).setCellRenderer(cr), end;
Hope this help others facing the same issue.