Trying to make this example of uploading a shapefile work with my rails setup and, running from the console, i get returned with:
RGeo::Error::RGeoError: GEOS is not available, but is required for correct interpretation of polygons in shapefiles.
RGeo::Geos.supported? returns False
I'm running - ruby version 2.0.0p576 and rails version 4.2.0
The gems included are: gem 'activerecord-postgis-adapter', '3.0.0.beta2' gem 'rgeo-shapefile' gem 'dbf'
What am I doing wrong, where can I look to find out why GEOS isn't being found? Thanks!
Ok - it seems that the explicit inclusion of gem 'dbf' in the gemfile was breaking thinks. commented it out, rebundled, and we're up and running again...