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Only add class to specific ng-repeat in AngularJS

I have a Facebook style like system in my app and I want to make the like button change colour when the user clicks. This is to be done by adding an .active class, but I cant figure out how to get just the one item in my ng-repeat to have thr active class.

Heres my view:

<div class="list card" ng-repeat="data in array">
    <a ng-click="favourite(data.ID)" class="tab-item" >
      <i ng-class="{'active':  favourited}" class="icon ion-thumbsup" ></i>

The ng-click sends the request to the server to store in the database, and the ng-class changes the class to active when the "favourite" variable from the controller changes to true once this request is sucesfull:

$scope.favourite = function(dataID){
      $scope.favourited = true;

This causes all of the favourite buttons to become active, so I just dont know how to make just the current button active.

Thanks in advance


  • This is because you are using $scope.favourited as there is only single copy of this variable for all ng-repeats, hence it updates for all. So try to use some variable for individual record as per your requirement as you only want to mark a single record as favourite at a time.


    ng-class="{'active': favourited}" with ng-class="{'active': data.favourited}"


    $scope.favourited = true; with data.favourited = true;