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Least square methods: normal equation vs svd

I tried to write my own code for linear regression, following the normal equation that beta = inv(X'X)X'Y. However, the square error is much bigger than the lstsq function in numpy.linalg. Could anybody explain to me why SVD method(that lstsq uses) is more accurate than normal equation? Thank you


  • I suspect the matrix X'X for your data has a high condition number. Trying to compute a numerical inverse of such a matrix can result in large errors. It is usually a bad idea to explicitly compute an inverse matrix (see, for example, or

    You can check the condition number using numpy.linalg.cond.

    Here's an example. First create X and Y:

    In [186]: X = np.random.randn(500, 30)
    In [187]: Y = np.linspace(0, 1, len(X))

    For this random X, the condition number is not large:

    In [188]: np.linalg.cond(
    Out[188]: 2.4456380658308148

    The normal equation and lstsq give the same result (according to numpy.allclose when using that function's default arguments):

    In [189]: betan = np.linalg.inv(
    In [190]: betal, res, rnk, s = np.linalg.lstsq(X, Y)
    In [191]: np.allclose(betan, betal)
    Out[191]: True

    Now tweak X by making two columns almost the same. This makes X'X almost singular, and gives it a large condition number:

    In [192]: X[:,0] = X[:,1] + 1e-8*np.random.randn(len(X))
    In [193]: np.linalg.cond(
    Out[193]: 3954529794300611.5

    Now the normal equation gives a different result than lstsq:

    In [194]: betan = np.linalg.inv(
    In [195]: betal, res, rnk, s = np.linalg.lstsq(X, Y)
    In [196]: np.allclose(betan, betal)
    Out[196]: False