I am currently building the docs for an API using Flask-Restful-Swagger
. One of my resources return a dict with one element: an array. The items in the array are of the form
"active": bool,
"affectation": str,
"alert_type": str, ...
and so on. The fields are bool, str, int, or float. There are a total of 32 fields in each element of the array. I am trying to build the @swagger.model
class to use as responseClass
First I tried:
class ReportListGet:
resource_fields = {
'items': fields.List(fields.String)
which produced the expected output on the HTML view of Swagger:
"items": [
So I tried to build on top of it to show the actual response. Something like:
"items": [
"active": fields.Boolean,
"affectation": fields.String,
"alert_type": fields.String, ...
My second attempt was to create a dictionary with all the fields and then use fields.Nested like:
resource_fields = {
'items': fields.List(fields.Nested(report_fields))
but the output in the HTML was
"items": [
Then I tried to create my own field inheriting from fields.Raw
but it gave me the same null
dict on the HTML. Assigning default values to the fields didn't work either.
I figured it out!
The main class ended up like this:
class ReportListGet:
resource_fields = {
'items': fields.List(fields.Nested(Report.resource_fields))
The other class is just a regular @swagger.model
class Report:
resource_fields = {
"active": fields.String,
"affectation": fields.String,
"alert_type": fields.String,
Found the clues I needed in the examples from Restful-Flask-Swagger's GitHub page. Useful code starts at line 157.
Now the HTML view of Swagger shows this:
"items": [
"active": "",
"affectation": "",
"alert_type": "",