I am running some android tests on AWS DeviceFarm and want to disable the animation. I came across this discussion and one guy suggested to pass --no-window-animation
parameter. I am not able to figure out where to pass this parameter and how?
Comment from the forum:
Hi Mark, we currently pass the argument "–no-window-animation" for instrumentation-based tests, including Espresso. If you believe animations are not disabled for your tests or you're referring to a different setting please let me know so we can investigate. Thanks! Posted by Trent@AWS on October 28, 2015 3:02:16 PM PDT
Commands I have already gone through:
Could anyone help me to disable animation? Thank you
I am work for the AWS Device farm team.
I assume from your description that you are trying to run Espresso/Instrumentation tests on Android.
When we say that we pass the argument it means that you do not have to explicitly pass the argument from any commands or tests. When the instrumentation runner is executed those arguments are already passed in. Since you do not start the runner on device farm it is started by the service for you with that argument.
Hope that answers your question.