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Is there an alternative for File() constructor for Safari and IE?

I am using the File() constructor for creating file object for uploading a blob file to the server. The following code works fine for Chrome, but fails for Safari and Internet Explorer.

image_url = new File([blob],file_name,{type: mimeString});

The code is breaking at this line and getting this error in console "FileConstructor is not a constructor" (evaluating 'new File([blob],file_name,{type: mimeString})')

Using the FileReader API is an alternative to this but I am not able to fix this issue.


  • I Suggest to use the blob api, I've found the same problem and I solved like that:

    var html = <svg>whatever on svg </svg>
    var fileName = "myfile.svg";
    var blob = new Blob([html], {type: 'image/svg'});
    blob.lastModifiedDate = new Date();
    // var blobAttrs = {type: "image/svg"};
    // var file = new File([html], fileName, blobAttrs);
    var formData = new FormData();

    It is not a "file", but you can use it like it was.