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How do I define partially ordered sets in Lean?

I wish to prove this theorem in the Lean theorem prover. First, I need to define things like partially ordered sets so that I can define infimum/supremum. How is this done in Lean? The tutorial mentions setoids, which are types with an associated equivalence relation. But it is not clear to me how this could help.


  • I'm not a Lean user, but here's how I'd define it in Agda. It may not translate directly - there's a lot of variety in type theories - but it should at least be a pointer!

    We'll be working with binary logical relations, which are inhabitants of this type synonym:

    Rel : Set -> Set1
    Rel A = A -> A -> Set

    And we'll need propositional equality:

    data _==_ {A : Set} (x : A) : A -> Set where
      refl : x == x

    One can say what it means for a logical relation to be reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive.

    Refl : {A : Set} -> Rel A -> Set
    Refl {A} _~_ = {x : A} -> x ~ x
    Antisym : {A : Set} -> Rel A -> Set
    Antisym {A} _~_ = {x y : A} -> x ~ y -> y ~ x -> x == y
    Trans : {A : Set} -> Rel A -> Set
    Trans {A} _~_ = {x y z : A} -> x ~ y -> y ~ z -> x ~ z

    To be a partial order, it must be all three.

    record IsPartialOrder {A : Set} (_<=_ : Rel A) : Set where
        reflexive : Refl _<=_
        antisymmetric : Antisym _<=_
        transitive : Trans _<=_

    A poset is just a set equipped with a partial ordering relation.

    record Poset : Set1 where
        carrier : Set
        _<=_ : Rel carrier
        isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _<=_

    For the record (ha ha), here is how the setoid example from the tutorial translates into Agda:

    Sym : {A : Set} -> Rel A -> Set
    Sym {A} _~_ = {x y : A} -> x ~ y -> y ~ x
    record IsEquivalence {A : Set} (_~_ : Rel A) : Set where
        reflexive : Refl _~_
        symmetric : Sym _~_
        transitive : Trans _~_
    record Setoid : Set1 where
        carrier : Set
        _~_ : Rel carrier
        isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _~_

    Update: I installed Lean, committed a load of syntax errors, and eventually arrived at this (probably not idiomatic, but straightforward) translation. Functions become definitions and records become structures.

    definition Rel (A : Type) : Type := A -> A -> Prop
    definition IsPartialOrder {A : Type}(P : Rel A) :=
      reflexive P ∧ anti_symmetric P ∧ transitive P
    structure Poset :=
      (A : Type)
      (P : Rel A)
      (ispo : IsPartialOrder P)

    I'm using the built-in versions of the definitions for reflexivity (etc) that I defined myself in Agda above. I also notice that Lean seems happy to let me omit the universe level of Type in the return type of Rel above, which is a nice touch.