I've a simple CricleGeometry in the scene and I'm duplicating its vertices and creating new faces to kind of simulate an extrusion. After new faces have been created I run the "computeFaceNormals()" but the orientation of them is alternate. How can I have all faces facing outwards?
Here's the main part of the code:
geometry = new THREE.CircleGeometry(100, 12);
material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xffa800 } );
var sideGeo = new THREE.Geometry();
//duplicate vertices
for ( var v = 0; v < geometry.vertices.length; v++ ) {
sideGeo.vertices.push( geometry.vertices[ v ].clone() );
sideGeo.vertices.push( geometry.vertices[ v ].clone() );
//translate every second vertex on Z by 10
for ( var v = 0; v < sideGeo.vertices.length; v += 2 ) {
sideGeo.vertices[ v ].z += 100;
//add them to faces
for ( var v = 0; v < sideGeo.vertices.length -2; v++ ) {
//vertices IDs
var a = v;
var b = v + 1;
var c = v + 2;
//add them to a face
var f = new THREE.Face3(a, b, c);
//merge with original geo and compute face normals
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
When you call Geometry.computeFaceNormals()
, the orientation of the face normal is determined by the winding order of the vertices of the faces.
In three.js, you need to specify your vertices in counter-clockwise order when looking at the front of the face. In which case, the face normal computed by computeFaceNormals()
will point at you.
three.js r.75