I would like to send my coworkers a link directly to a line number in a file in our TFS repo. Is this possible? If so, how? We are using TFS 2015.
Currently, the best way I have found is to link to the file like so:
Then, Ctrl+G to manually enter the line number. Before I dig through the JavaScript to find how Ctrl+G works, I am hoping someone can help me out.
I have tried variations on this theme, but without sucecss:
P.S. My issue is similar to this issue but rather than for Visual Studio, I am looking for a link via the TFS web portal.
Just heard from a guy inside of Microsoft that adding &line=5
should work. My local tests show it only works for Visual Studio team Services and doesn't work on TFS 2015 update 2. You'll probably have to wait until update 3 for this feature to hit TFS.
In the mean time, the JavaScript simply looks for a div with the right linenumber attribute:
<div linenumber="5">...</div>