I'm trying to remove non ASCII characters read from a data file using OCTAVE but I can't make it work. I tried getting the ASCII codes of these "weird" characters and they do have random ASCII codes. An example string of characters is this:
asdqwФЕДЕРАЛЬ234НОЕ234 АГЕНТСqewwqedasТВО ПasdsadО ОБРАasdasdЗОВАНИЮ Госудаsadasdsagwfрственная акадеasdмия профессиональной п
Do you guys have any suggestions on how can i remove the non ASCII characters from this string? Or better yet, how will I be able to determine if a given string has non ASCII characters?
Thanks in advance!
To remove all non ASCII chars in the range of 0..127 decimal use
a = "asdqwФЕДЕРАЛЬ234НОЕ234 АГЕНТСqewwqedasТВО ПasdsadО ОБРАasdasdЗОВАНИЮ Госудаsadasdsagwfрственная акадеasdмия профессиональной п";
a(! isascii (a)) = []
which gives
a = asdqw234234 qewwqedas asdsad asdasd sadasdsagwf asd
and if you just want to check if there are non ASCII chars:
any (! isascii("foobar"))
ans = 0
any (! isascii("foobaröäüß"))
ans = 1