I recently started using OpenMesh, and I need to make a recursive iteration where I access one vertex, then its neighbouring vertexes and then the neighbours of those. I also need to keep a list of vertexes which I have used already. My main problem with this is that I don't know how to get the ID of a vertex, so that i can access specific vertexes.
Managed to solve my problem: A handle can be selected by its ID number like this:
MyMesh::VHandle myVertexHandle = mesh.vertex_handle(ID_number);
To return the ID number from a VertexHandle use the following command:
To cycle recursively over a mesh from a starting vertex, use the following code:
void graphTraversal(const MyMesh& mesh, MyMesh::VHandle start)
// print starting vertex handle
std::cout << "Vertex " << start.idx() << std::endl;
// retrieve XYZ of initial vertex
OpenMesh::Vec3f pointA = mesh.point(start);
for (MyMesh::VOHIter vohit = mesh.voh_iter(start); vohit.is_valid(); ++vohit)
MyMesh::VHandle newHandle = mesh.to_vertex_handle(*vohit);
// used to retrive point X Y Z positions
OpenMesh::Vec3f point = mesh.point(newHandle);
// print out neighbouring vertex x y z position
std:cout << point[0] << " " << point[1] << " " << point[2] << std::endl;
// call the recursive function from the new vertex
graphTraversal(mesh, newHandle );