I am using infragistic igGrid. It's working fine in IE 11 but giving error in IE7
member not found
in infragistics.lob.js file on below line
return $(markup).append(headerText).attr({id:this.id()+"_"+column.key,role:"columnheader","aria-label":column.headerText,tabIndex:this.options.tabIndex}).addClass(headerClass).addClass(customClass).data("columnIndex",index)
Please help me resolving this issue.
I went to infragistics.lob.js
file to inspect some values as suggested in first comment.
console.log(this.id()); // output: id of table to with data is bount
console.log(column.key); // Key column name (RecordId)
console.log(column.headerText); // Key column name (RecordId)
console.log(this.options.tabIndex); // 0
I don't know what was the problem. I just chaged "aria-label"
(with double comma) to arialabel
(without comma and hyphen) and it worked. May be someone can explain it better.