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How to send byte array as paramater to HTML.Action?

I have been working with charts today And I think that i finaly found a way for it all to work but I encountered an issue that I don't know how to pass.

Create my Charts in my controller:

    foreach (var m in model[0].HistoryValues)

        var chart = new Chart(width: 300, height: 200)
        chartType: "bar",
        xValue: new[] { "Server", "Db", "Tickets" },
        yValues: new[] { m.ServerPerformance, m.Databaseperformance, m.SoldTicketsLastUpdate })

        m.Bytes = chart;

        //m.ChartFile = File(chart, "image/bytes");

now I want to display them as Images in the view:

   @foreach (var m in Model[0].HistoryValues)
        <img src="@Html.Action("getImage", "OverWatch", new { byte[] Mybytes= m.Bytes })" alt="Person Image" />

but im getting:

Invalid anonymous type member declarator. Anonymous type members must be declared with a member assignment, simple name or member access.

getImage method:

public FileContentResult getImage(byte[] bytes)
   return new FileContentResult(bytes, "image/jpeg");

How do I solve this?


  • In an anonymous type you dont define the variable type byte[]. It works it out itself based on the type of m.Bytes

    @foreach (var m in Model[0].HistoryValues)
        <img src="@Html.Action("getImage", "OverWatch", new { Mybytes= m.Bytes })" alt="Person Image" />