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Python Scapy sniff without root

I'm wondering if there is any possibility to run Scapy's 'sniff(...)' without root priveleges.

It is used in an application, where certain packages are captured. But I don't want to run the whole application with root permissions or change anything on scapy itselfe.

Thanks in advance!


For testing I use following code:

from scapy.all import *

def arp_monitor_callback(pkt):
    if ARP in pkt and pkt[ARP].op in (1,2): #who-has or is-at
        return pkt.sprintf("%ARP.hwsrc% %ARP.psrc%")

sniff(prn=arp_monitor_callback, filter="arp", store=0)

I'm only able to run it using sudo.

I tried to set capabilities with sudo setcap 'cap_net_admin=+eip' But it doesn't show any effects. Even the all capablity doesn't help.


  • You need to set capabilities for binaries running your script i-e: python and tcpdump if you want to be able to just execute your script as ./ :

    setcap cap_net_raw=eip /usr/bin/pythonX.X
    setcap cap_net_raw=eip /usr/bin/tcpdump

    Where X.X is the python version you use to run the script.

    (note that path could be different on your system)

    Please note that this allow anyone to open raw sockets on your system.