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Deleting multiple admin accounts in Batch ( Win7 )

I have big problem trying to delete all Administrator accounts (beside 2 specyfic) using net localgroups. The problem is that there is no AND operator, so it must be done is some harder way.

for /F "tokens=*" %%G in ('net localgroup administrators') Do (
If %%G == Administrator (goto:ex)
If %%G == MWAdmin (goto:ex)
net localgroup administrators %%G /delete


  • Your issue is the line:


    This makes no sense to batch, labels cannot be in a code block, as it breaks the block and batch gives up due to a syntax error.

    You can solve this by checking the account name outside of the block with call; as goto :eof used after call goes back to the call, thus allowing for leaving and returning to where it left off in a for loop.

    for /f "tokens=*" %%G in ('net localgroup administrators') do (
        call :checkName "%%~G"
    :: If name matches if, go back to for loop, else del.
    if "%~1" == "Administrator" goto :eof
    if "%~1" == "MWAdmin" goto :eof     
    net localgroup administrators "%~1" /delete
    goto :eof

    Just in case, lets highlight:

    call :label "%variable%"

    Using this means that when it goes to :label, you can use %1 to get %variable%'s value on pass, and ~ can be added with %~1 to remove quotes. This is mainly useful to take the value of %%X outside of a for loop for easier processing.

    Or use a neq and nested neq method in a for loop;

    for /f "tokens=*" %%G in ('net localgroup administrators') do (
        if "%%~G" neq "Administrator" (
            if "%%~G" neq "MWAdmin" (
                net localgroup administrators %%G /delete

    Note i made %%G into %%~G, and added quotes around Administrator and MWAdmin, this is for stability, in-case a future name causes syntax errors.