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Merging two notification observers in RxSwift

I have this piece of code:

let appActiveNotifications: [Observable<NSNotification>] = [

  .subscribeNext() { [weak self] _ in
  // notification handling

It's supposed to listen to either of the specified notifications and handle when any of them is triggered.

However this does not compile. I get the following error:

Value of type '[Observable<NSNotification>]' has no member 'merge'

How should I merge these two signals to one then?


  • .merge() combines multiple Observables so you'll want to do appActiveNotifications.toObservable() then call .merge() on it

    Edit: Or as the example in the RxSwift's playground, you can use Observable.of() then use .merge() on it; like so:

    let a = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().rx_notification(UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification)
    let b = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().rx_notification(Constants.AppRuntimeCallIncomingNotification)
    Observable.of(a, b)
      .subscribeNext() { [weak self] _ in
         // notification handling