I'm currently using Microsoft VS 2012 along with Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express.
I'm trying to work with an existing SQL Server database that I originally obtained as a .bak
backup file and had to restore it into my own server.
So adding the said database connection to my VS works fine (testing connection is successful) , however, when ever I try accessing a table (via right click > Show Table Data), I get the following error message:
This database cannot be imported. It is either an unsupported SQL Server version or an unsupported database compatibility
This problem happens only with this specific database, I've tried other DBs that I personally created on previous occasion and all of them seems to work.
I have tried many ways to go around this including :
Although, none of the above solutions/attempts worked.
That makes me believe that it has something to do with the fact that I originally got the database as a back up file then restored it to my server.
Note: I've being searching for about two days and I already looked around for similar topics but haven't found any that solves my problem. This issue has nothing to do with a specific coding language or what so ever.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Having run some more tests, now I can see that none of the other databases that used to work is actually working. This is leading me to think that the problem isn't with that particular database but with the compatibility versions of VS and MSSQL. I am in the process of downloading SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2012 with the hope that it will resolve my issue. I'll keep the topic updated.
Problem solved!
All I had to do is install/update SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio and that made the trick. I can properly show all of my databases' table data now.
Thanks again for your help @marc_s :)