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How can I make figwheel start with a custom initial namespace?

The project.clj of my clojurescript code specifies :repl-options {:init-ns my-project.core} and I start figwheel via start-figwheel!. In the figwheel documentation it says that

;; you can also just call (ra/start-figwheel!)
;; and figwheel will do its best to get your config from the
;; project.clj or a figwheel.edn file`

But when figwheel starts, it puts me into the cljs.user namespace. How can I make figwheel pick up this option?

My figwheel.clj looks as follows:

(require '[figwheel-sidecar.repl :as r]
         '[figwheel-sidecar.repl-api :as ra])

  {:figwheel-options {}
   :build-ids ["dev"]
   [{:id "dev"
     :figwheel {:devcards true}
     :source-paths ["src"]
     :compiler {:main 'my-project.core
                :asset-path "js"
                :output-to "resources/public/js/main.js"
                :output-dir "resources/public/js"
                :verbose true}}]})


I am basically asking this question from Google groups.


  • start-figwheel! only starts figwheel logic. Regarding your finding that:

    ;; you can also just call (ra/start-figwheel!)
    ;; and figwheel will do its best to get your config from the
    ;; project.clj or a figwheel.edn file`

    It indeed finds its config but it's only :figwheel submap of project.clj.

    :repl-options are used by REPL when it starts. It seems that figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/cljs-repl doesn't allow specifying REPL options and it doesn't read them from project.clj.

    You might try to play with starting lein repl where project.clj's :repl-options use :init option to provide the code you want to execute instead of a standalone script.