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Insert an alert as an Oracle Service Bus customization file

I am creating a customization file for OSB, and I would need to add an alert in this, so whenever it is loaded, the affected resources are modified to include those alerts.

So far I have followed instructions explained in See Example - Adding and Deleting SLA Alert Rules. I have created a customization file with the same structure than the example (actions - add - value), just changing the value for the alert or even using the one shown in the example.

Anyway, when I try to apply this customization file on OSB, I always get the error:
org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlAnyTypeImpl cannot be cast to

My customization file is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cus:Customizations xmlns:cus="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xt="" xmlns:aler="">
<cus:customization xsi:type="cus:EnvValueActionsCustomizationType">
    <cus:description>Alertes Generals de ProxyService</cus:description>
            <xt:refsToSearch xsi:type="xt:LocationRefType">
            <xt:envValueType>Service SLA Alert Rule</xt:envValueType>
                <aler:alertRule enabled="true" name="prova">                        <aler:description>provades</aler:description>                       <aler:expirationDate>2016-03-31+02:00</aler:expirationDate>
                    <aler:condition aggregation-interval="10">
                        <con1:monCondExpr xmlns:con1="">
                    <aler:alertDestination ref="bus_ver/AlertaProva"/>

Does anyone know how to solve this or maybe I am doing something unproperly?

Thanks for your help.


  • Finally I made work a customization file with an alert like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <cus:Customizations xmlns:cus="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xt="" xmlns:aler="">
    <cus:customization xsi:type="cus:EnvValueActionsCustomizationType">
        <cus:description>Alertes Generals de ProxyService</cus:description>
                <xt:refsToSearch xsi:type="xt:LocationRefType">
                <xt:envValueType>Service SLA Alert Rule List</xt:envValueType>
                        <aler:alertRule enabled="true" name="prova" xmlns:ser="" xmlns:con="" xmlns:oper="" xmlns:env="" xmlns:tran="">
                            <aler:condition aggregation-interval="10">
                                <con1:monCondExpr xmlns:con1="">
                            <aler:alertDestination ref="bus_ver/AlertaProva"/>

    Main differences that provoked error in initial XML:

    • xmlns:aler="" -> OK vs xmlns:aler="" -> KO
    • Service SLA Alert Rule List -> OK vs Service SLA Alert Rule -> KO