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GFSK modulation/demodulation with GNU Radio and USRP

Im currently creating a satellite ground station which will be used to control our cubesat in coming months. The modulation scheme used is GFSK and the baud rate is 9600. I have tried to run some tests by using a USRP board before I could try to communicate with the satellite by directly connecting the tx and rx blocks in the flowgraph.I was able to send and receive a png file using this flowgraph.

However, when I connect the tx and rx output to my USRP B210 TX/RX(transmission sink) and RX2(reception source) as shown below, I receive no data even though the two the source and sinks have been connected to each other carefully by RF cables with attenuators.

GNU Radio Flowgraph

Below are the assumptions I took into account when I was making the second flowgraph. Please tell me if im on the right path.

  1. Transmitter side : The packet decoder and GFSK mod blocks use 20 samples per symbol. Baud rate is 9600 and sample rate is 20*baud rate = 192K. Since the expected symbol rate by the satellite is baud_rate = 9600, I included a rational resampler and set UHD symbol rate to baud_rate. Is my logic correct?

  2. GFSK mod and demod : For both of these blocks, I calculated sensitivity as S = Pi * Modulation_index/Samples_Per_Symbol. The default BT value of 0.5 is used. Are my calculations sound? Is there a link for to find documentation for GFSK blocks? My derivations are based on the GFSK python source code which is a poor substitute for documentation.

  3. Packet Encoder/Decoder : The output of packet decoder is null even though the GFSK demod block give some kind of output which is rather meaningless. Is this normal? What is the meaning of the threshold variable and why its value is -1?

I'm a newbie in GNU Radio as well as GFSK in general. So please drop me any further references.

Thanks in advance.



  • I was finally able to solve the problem. All I did was re-implementing the GFSK demod in GRC. If you go into source of, you will find out that the blocks used are Quadrature Demod --> M&M Clock recovery --> Binary slicer which can easily be connected in GRC directly. As Marcus suggested in my other thread, GFSK demodulation with Xlating filter in GNU Radio , I replaced the M&M Clock recovery block with PFB block. My flowgraph is shown below. enter image description here