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Android Studio : Shutdown Ubuntu 15.10

Hi I have recently Ubuntu 15.10 installed in my PC. My PC get shut downs after indexing android studio project. Whenever I create new project or import another project, At the time of indexing my PC get shutdown. I thought it might be memory issue. So I added 8 GB RAM in PC. I had same issue earlier so I formatted My PC. again installed Ubuntu and android studio, still I am facing same problem.

I have also tried to close application which consume much memory and only launched android studio still it shut downs my PC. I am unable to understand how to solve this. This is twice I have reinstalled O.S.


  • Check whether your cpu cooling fan is working properly. Because this could be due to overheating of the CPU. For that you can use lm-sensor which is availble in software center for temperature sensing. In addition Ubuntu 15.10 is not a stable version, it is the daily build of ubuntu. Try installing the stable ubuntu upto now which is Ubuntu 14.04. you can download it from here. Choose the architecture which fits your computer. If your computer is a new one, sure it is 64bit. Download ubuntu 14.04 and once it is finished, before installing android-studio, update the operating system as there are lot of update released for it. Then try installing latest android-studio again. it is better if you install android-studio in a linux based partition which is any partition with ext4 file format.Try above and let me know what happen.