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How to implement Multiline EditText with ActionDone button (without Enter button)

I have EditText which is used for entering contents on messages (emails, sms). I want message to be immediately posted on ActionDone button click. I use following code for this:

message.setOnEditorActionListener((textView, i, keyEvent) -> {
            switch (i) {
                case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE:
                    if (messageCanBePosted()) {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;
                    return false;

But also I want this message field to be multiline, like in any other messenger apps. I can achieve it with this line:


The problem is that after adding this line ActionDone button starts acting like Enter button. So my callback for catching EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE is never called. So each time user press that button cursor moves to new line instead of posting message.

How can I keep both multiline behavior of EditText (ability to show text on multiple lines) and ActionDone button?


  • Finally, after searching here for similar threads I have found solution. Just need to add these lines on your Activity/Fragment:


    For some reason it doesn't work if you apply exact same setting from xml. You should do it programmatically.

    There is also another possible solution - derive from EditText and apply EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE manually. But for me first solution looks simpler.