I want to write Serilog Warning
events to a .NET collection so they can be included in a report to the user. How do I configure the static Log.Logger
to write to something like a static List<string<>
I saw the Rx Observer in the list of provided sinks, this was the only one that seemed to readily make .NET objects available or is there an obvious alternative that I missed?
Alternatively, is this a dumb way to do it - is there a better way to collect just Warning
events to massage into a user-facing report?
class CollectionSink : ILogEventSink {
public ICollection<LogEvent> Events { get; } = new ConcurrentBag<LogEvent>();
public void Emit(LogEvent le) {
var col = new CollectionSink();
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.Sink(col, LogEventLevel.Warning)
// read col.Events....
Not sure this one will typecheck but this is essentially how I've done it a few times.