In pipelinedb I can't seem to locate a way to list all of the streams and continuous views that I've created.
I can back into the CVs by looking for the "mrel" tables that are created but it's kind of clunky.
Is there a system table or view I can query that will list them?
You may have an older version of pipelinedb, or you may be looking at an older version of the docs.
You can check your version with psql like so:
pipeline=# select * from pipeline_version();
PipelineDB 0.9.0 at revision b1ea9ab6acb689e6ed69fb26af555ca8d025ebae on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04) 4.8.4, 64-bit
(1 row)
In the latest version, information about views can be obtained like so:
pipeline=# select * from pipeline_views();
id | schema | name | query
11 | public | cv | SELECT x::integer, +
| | | count(*) AS count+
| | | FROM ONLY s +
| | | GROUP BY x::integer
(1 row)
Information about streams can be obtained like so:
pipeline=# select * from pipeline_streams();
schema | name | inferred | queries | tup_desc
public | s | t | {cv} | \x000000017800000006a4ffffffff00000000
(1 row)
More information can be obtained by using \d+:
pipeline=# \d+ cv
Continuous view ""
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
x | integer | | plain |
count | bigint | | plain |
View definition:
SELECT x::integer,
count(*) AS count
GROUP BY x::integer;
pipeline=# \d+ s
Stream "public.s"
Column | Type | Storage
arrival_timestamp | timestamp(0) with time zone | plain