I have implemented initFiles to display already s3 uploaded files, but actual image thumbnails are not showing. Also, I can not click on the default thumbnail that is shown (see image). How can I see actual images and link works?
I have below JS snippet
session: {
endpoint: "http://localhost/app/ci/php-s3-server/endpoint-cors.php?filelist"
Response from endpoint-cors.php?filelist call is...
S3 bucket structure has 2 images:
All Buckets /xx_my_bucket_xx/test
If you would like to display thumbnails in your initial files list, you must provide a thumbnailUrl
for each file in the list. For example:
[{"name":"art_collage.png","uuid":"e3554aa0-c025-4653-bb71-4afe9d979f06","s3Key":"test\/e3554aa0-c025-4653-bb71-4afe9d979f06.png","s3Bucket":"kidkivetest", "thumbnailUrl": "http://mys3bucket.com/art_collage.png"}...]