I'm just starting with salesforce and using picklists in following way:
see img:
See, I have four picklists. I want to validate when From Time and To Time is AM and AM; I want to do : To time should not be grater than from time I am not able to validate it. I'm trying to solve it with validations nad apex code but I don't know what's going wrong. please provide some insights, any help will be appreciated.
Suppose your four picklist fields are FromTime, FromAMPM, ToTime, ToAMPM, the "Error Condition Formula" for the Validation Rule should be:
TEXT(FromAMPM__c) == TEXT(ToAMPM__c) &&
VALUE(LEFT(TEXT(FromTime__c),LEN(TEXT(FromTime__c))-3)) >
VALUE(LEFT(TEXT(ToTime__c), LEN(TEXT(ToTime__c))-3))
If the user picks (AM, AM) or (PM, PM), we convert the text before ":00" (the last 3 characters) to numbers and compare them.