When i get memory information using adb shell dumpsys meminfo
it shows something called LOST RAM. I know that this equals to TOTAL - FREE RAM - USED RAM
but i need to know what this really means.
If this is really a bug and not a calculation error so then should i go for a device with low LOST RAM when i'm buying an android device. and should i avoid devices with high LOST RAM value. Please provide me a clear answer for this.
Lost RAM is just RAM that is unaccounted for, it will take all the processes ram usage and add them up the difference between that value and the actual amount of ram left is known as lost ram because the OS can't account for what is using it. It's software related and from what I read can be from ION debug, or drivers that allocate and track their own ram. I don't think it should play any part in your consideration when buying a new android device though.