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Task edit document preview component Alfresco

First question:

I want to implement a preview of the document in the form of the task-edit of the workflows... How can I do this? I try to adapt the document-details.xml and document-details.ftl to workflow-details.xml and workflow-details.ftl but not works. I tried to copy the components that have web-preview of the document-details files to workflow-details. Any hint to make this?

I have this in workflow-details.ftl:

<#include "include/alfresco-template.ftl" />
   <@script type="text/javascript" src="${url.context}/res/modules/documentlibrary/doclib-actions.js" group="document-details"/>
   <@link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${url.context}/res/components/document-details/document-details-panel.css" group="document-details"/>
   <@link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${url.context}/res/components/workflow/task-edit-header.css" group="workflow-details"/>
   <@templateHtmlEditorAssets />

   <@markup id="alf-hd">
   <div id="alf-hd">
      <@region scope="global" id="share-header" chromeless="true"/>
      <@region id="title" scope="template"/>
      <#if page.url.args.nodeRef??>
         <@region id="path" scope="template"/>
   <@markup id="bd">
   <div id="bd">
      <div class="share-form">
         <@region id="data-header" scope="page" />
         <div class="yui-gc">
            <div class="yui-u first">
                 <#if (config.scoped['WorkflowDetails']['workflow-details'].getChildValue('display-web-preview') == "true")>
                    <@region id="web-preview" scope="template"/>
         <@region id="data-form" scope="page" />
         <@region id="data-actions" scope="page" />

   <@markup id="alf-ft">
   <div id="alf-ft">
      <@region id="footer" scope="global"/>
      <@region id="data-loader" scope="page" />

In workflow-details.xml I add this component:

            <sub-component id="default">
                        <evaluator type="config.component.evaluator">

This not shows the web-preview, only creates:

<div id="template_x002e_web-preview_x002e_workflow-details">
<div id="template_x002e_web-preview_x002e_workflow-details_x0023_default"> </div>

What's my error?

Second question:

In the preview of the Aikau page I get: Warning: unimplemented annotation type: Widget signature in the console of the firebug of the Mozilla Firefox and the document is displayed without the digital signatures... But, for example, if I upload a document with a digital signature, I can see the document with the signature in the page of document-details of the document. The preview of this page is different? How can I implement this preview?


  • It can be easier to just use the javascript previewer that is integrated in share (pdf.js). If you use directly the javascript library, it shouldn't be difficult to open a preview.

    There are examples in the official site of the project: pdf.js

    you can use the share webscript to initialise the javascript with the list of urls of the documents attached to the workflow. If the document attached is not a pdf, you will need to use its pdf rendition.