I would need to rename thousands of files, right now I'm doing it with removing first x characters, but it can be a lengthy process since the number of chars needed to be removed changes.
Source files are named like this:
4023 - 23 - Animal, crocodile 4 legs.txt
243 - 4 - Animal, dog 4 legs.txt
5450 - 2 - Animal, bird 2 legs.txt
Animal, crocodile 4 legs.txt
Animal, dog 4 legs.txt
Animal, bird 2 legs.txt
It seems the easiest it would be to trim everything before "A" appears, but I do not know how to do this. Something with a loop that could be used as a bash script would be awesome.
You can use bash parameter expansion
${VAR#*-*- }
to remove a prefix by pattern. That's using the text in the shell variable VAR and generating a string based on removing a prefix that matches the wildcard pattern *-*-
- e.g. any characters then a dash then any characters and then a second dash and a space
In order to get the filenames in a loop you can just use a bash for
with a pattern
for VAR in *.txt; do mv "$VAR" "${VAR#*-*- }"; done
the quoting is necessary in the mv
to prevent the whitespace in the filenames being split up into multiple arguments by the shell