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Case insensitive name of tables and properties in Entity Framework 7

I use Entity Framework 7 with Npgsql adapter. Sql generated by EF seems like

SELECT "r"."Id", "r"."Name" FROM "public"."Role" AS "r"

and it doesn't work in Postgres, because case-sensitive policy. To make it work i need to write create table script

    "Id" int,
    "Name" varchar(200)

But it's ugly. Is there the way to make EF generate scripts without quotes or with lowercase naming style?


  • There's a very good reason Npgsql generates quotes everywhere - so you definitely should not remove them (even if it's technically possible as @natemcmaster says). Identifiers without quotes are automatically converted to lowercase by PostgreSQL. Entity Framework needs to be able to map C# properties to database columns, but C# properties are case-sensitive; so if you remove database case sensitivity you're shooting yourself in the foot...

    Unless you have a real problem (aside from the perceived ugliness) you should leave things as they are.