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Saving a Dictionary<int, object> in C# - Serialization?

I have a dictionary in c#

private Dictionary<int, UserSessionInfo> userSessionLookupTable = new Dictionary<int, UserSessionInfo>();

Now I have created a dictionary object

this.userSessionLookupTable.Add(userSessionInfoLogin.SessionId, userSessionInfoLogin);

Now I want a generic method to serialize and de-serialize the dictionory to byte array. Like

public static void Serialize(Dictionary<int, object> dictionary, Stream stream)
 //Code here


public static static Dictionary<int, object> Deserialize(Stream stream)
 //Code here

Can anyone help me on this??


  • Try this....

        public static void Serialize<Object>(Object dictionary, Stream stream)
            try // try to serialize the collection to a file
                using (stream)
                    // create BinaryFormatter
                    BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
                    // serialize the collection (EmployeeList1) to file (stream)
                    bin.Serialize(stream, dictionary);
            catch (IOException)
        public static Object Deserialize<Object>(Stream stream) where Object : new()
            Object ret = CreateInstance<Object>();
                using (stream)
                    // create BinaryFormatter
                    BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
                    // deserialize the collection (Employee) from file (stream)
                    ret = (Object)bin.Deserialize(stream);
            catch (IOException)
            return ret;
        // function to create instance of T
        public static Object CreateInstance<Object>() where Object : new()
            return (Object)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Object));


            Serialize(userSessionLookupTable, File.Open("data.bin", FileMode.Create));
            Dictionary<int, UserSessionInfo> deserializeObject = Deserialize<Dictionary<int, UserSessionInfo>>(File.Open("data.bin", FileMode.Open));

    I have used 'Object' in the code above to fulfil your requirements but personally I would use 'T' which usually denotes a generic object in C#