I just discovered function annotations for python 3 (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3107/) which seems great for documenting parameters or return types. It also makes better intellisense available in my pycharm IDE.
I have a question regarding parameters where the input type is fuzzy. For example, it could be a list or numpy array or some "array-like" quantity. What is the best way to annotate such an input parameter to the function? Example:
import numpy as np
def fun(data: np.ndarray) # can also be a list
I have another case where the input can be any of the two types. Example:
def fun(header: Nifti1Header) # can also be Nifti2Header
What is the best way to document these kinds of parameter inputs?
If you are using python3.5, the best way is to use typing.Union
>>> from typing import Union
>>> import numpy as np
>>> def fun(data: Union[np.ndarray, list]):
You could alternatively use typing.TypeVar if you are consistently using Union[t1, t2, ...]. (Plus you can add and delete types from the TypeVar more easily than many Unions in your code)
>>> from typing import TypeVar
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import array
>>> Ar = TypeVar('Ar', np.ndarray, list, array.array)
This code would then associate Ar with lists, array.arrays, and numpy arrays.