As quoted in the documentation, I save users in a list. Users can log with both password and Facebook providers. (other providers may come later)
Then, I have a nodejs app that listens the user list and send me an email in case of new items.
This is easy with firebase, just add a child_added event listener. But as my app may restart for update/crash or any other reason, I do not want to get a email with every user at each time I restart the app. So I just save the latest userId that has been used to send an email.
var retrieveLatestAccountNotified = function () {
ref.child("server-state").child("email-account").once("value", function (snapshot) {
user = snapshot.val();
console.log("Latest User Id : " + user);
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
var fetchUser = function (latestUserId) {
ref.child("users").orderByKey().startAt(latestUserId).on("child_added", function (snapshot, prevChildKey) {
if (snapshot.key() !== latestUserId) {
var newUser = snapshot.val();
sendEmail.newAccountEmail(ses, newUser, snapshot.key(), function (err, data) {
if (err)
throw err;
console.log('Email sent:');
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
The problem is that FB generates different userId type depending on the selected provider, so my mechanism will not work.
How to deal with that ?
Any educated proposition is welcome !
The common approach used for this is close to your #3:
Add another list that saves which users have been notified => require to loop on both full list
Typically you'd add a queue for sending the email notifications. This queue is purely for sending the notifications, so the server removes the item from it once it's done.
In its simplest form:
ref.child('emailNotificationQueue').on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
sendEmailToAnthony(snapshot.val(), function() {
For better scalability and many other reasons, you might want to use firebase-queue. But it is a (beautifully) souped up version of such a loop.
You can take two approaches to the queue:
Your app writes the new user to /users
and the notification to /emailNotificationQueue
. This usually works, but has some nasty race/error conditions if a malicious client (or coding mistakes) writes one and not the other). While you can safeguard against these, there sometimes is a simpler approach.
Your app writes the new users to /newUserQueue
. The server reads them from there, sends the email and adds them to /users