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Simple queue for youtube-dl in the Linux shell

youtube-dl is a Python script that allows one to download YouTube videos. It supports an option for batch downloads:

-a FILE, --batch-file=FILE
file containing URLs to download ('-' for stdin)

I want to setup some sort of queue so I can simply append URLs to a file and have youtube-dl process them. Currently, it does not remove files from the batch file. I see the option for '-' stdin and don't know if I can use this to my advantage.

In effect, I'd like to run youtube-dl as some form of daemon which will check the queue file and download the contained file names.

How can I do this?


  • The tail -f will not work because the script reads all the input at once.

    It will work if you modify the script to perform a continuous read of the batch file.

    Then simply run the script as:

    % ./youtube-dl -a batch.txt -c

    When you append some data into batch.txt, say:

    % echo "" >>batch.txt

    The script will start downloading the appended video to the batch.

    This is the patch you should apply to the latest version of "youtube-dl":

    <       while True:
    <           batchurls = batchfd.readlines()
    <           if not batchurls:
    <               time.sleep(1)
    <               continue
    <           batchurls = [x.strip() for x in batchurls]
    <           batchurls = [x for x in batchurls if len(x) > 0]
    <           for bb in batchurls:
    <               retcode =[bb])

    Hope it helps, Happy video watching ;)

    NOTE: Due to code restructuring this patch will no longer work. Would be interested to see if this could be added to the upstream code.