I have been told to modify the code i had before to integrate between the lower bound a and upper bound b.This is done by adding another parameter, width. The integral can then be calculated by summing up lots of rectangles of with area (width*f(x)). An example of what I need to calculate is shown below
Calculate the integrals of f(x)=x from 0 to 100.
My code I have to modify is this, this is used to calculate product, how do I modify this to calculate integrals?
def product(f, a, b):
total = 1
for i in range(a, b+1):
total *= f(i)
return total
Assuming your function f(x)
calculates the functional value at x
, you can do something like this:
def f(x): # define this according to your function.
return x*x
def integrate(func, a, b, width):
total = 0
i = a
while i <= b:
total += func(i)
i += width
return total * width
width = 0.01
integral = integrate(f, 0, 100, width)
True value of the integral is 333333.333333, so the result is quite accurate.
To use some other functions like sin
or cos
, you can use built-in functions, inside the function f(x)
like this:
def f(x):
return math.sin(x)
Then to integrate from 0 to pi, use this:
width = 0.01
integral = integrate(f, 0, math.pi, width)
Remember to import math using import math