Is it possible to create dispatch methods over Annotations. I'm trying to create the following scenario:
def generateField(FieldDeclaration field, ClassDeclaration clazz) {
def dispatch generateAnnotation(Password annotation, FieldDeclaration field){
'''//Password field'''
def dispatch generateAnnotation(Boolean annotation, FieldDeclaration field){
'''//Boolean field'''
the defined annotations:
annotation Boolean {
annotation Password {
How can I access the annotation over the AnnotationDeclaration class?
AnnotationReference represents an instance of annotation. It provides an API to access values of an instance as well as a type:
val passwordAnnotation = Password.findTypeGlobally
val booleanAnnotation = Boolean.findTypeGlobally
val AnnotationReference annotation = field.annotations.head
// get a type
val annotationType = annotation.annotationTypeDeclaration
// check whether the type is Password
if (passwordAnnotation.isAssignableFrom(annotationType)) {
// get a value of 'myValue' field as integer
val int value = annotation.getIntValue('myValue')
} else if (booleanAnnotation.isAssignableFrom(annotationType)) {
} else if (…) {