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How to disable CakePHP Form Combo?

I'm trying to disable this CakePHP combo:

echo $this->Form->input('backupid', array('options' => $users_backup, 'class'=>'autocompletar', 'empty' => true, "label"=>__('Backup'), 'id' => 'cmbBackup'));

When I click this Checkbox:

echo $this->Form->input('criticalresource');

I've tried to add the property 'disabled' and 'readonly' in every combo element

The following image contains part of my DOM where you can see the Checkbox and the Combobox :

¿Is there any way to DISABLE that combo? I'd rather prefer a JS procedure, but every answer is welcome!

Thank you guys!


  • I could find an alternative answer: I'll put a 'div' above and insert this class inside:

    .disabledbutton {
        pointer-events: none;
        opacity: 0.4;