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4th Order Runga Kutta Method - Diffusion equation - Image analysis

This is a question of speed. I'm trying to solve a diffusion equation which has three behavior states where:

  • Lambda == 0 equilibrium
  • Lambda > 0 max diffusion
  • Lambda < 0 min diffusion

Bottleneck is the else statement in the diffusion operator function

The equilibrium state has a simple T operator and Diffusion operator. It just gets rather complicated for the other two states. And so far I haven't had the patience to sit through the code run times. As far as I know the equations are correct, and the output of the equilibrium state appears correct, perhaps someone has some tips to increase the speed for the non-equilibrium states?

(Euler solution (FTCS) instead of Runge-Kutta would be quicker I imagine. Haven't tried this yet.)

You can import any black and white image to try the code out on.

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import scipy.ndimage.filters as flt
from PIL import Image

# import image
im ="/home/will/Downloads/zebra.png")
arr = np.array(im)

def T(lamda,x): 
    T Operator
    lambda is a "steering" constant between 3 behavior states
    0     -> linearity 
    +inf  -> max
    -inf  -> min
    if lamda == 0:  # linearity
        return x
    elif lamda > 0: #  Half-wave rectification
        return np.max(x,0)
    elif lamda < 0: # Inverse half-wave rectification
        return np.min(x,0)

def Diffusion_operator(lamda,f,t): 
    2D Spatially Discrete Non-Linear Diffusion
    Special case where lambda == 0, operator becomes Laplacian        

    D : int                      diffusion coefficient
    h : int                      step size
    t0 : int                     stimulus injection point
    stimulus : array-like        luminance distribution     

    f : array-like               output of diffusion equation
    0     -> linearity (T[0])
    +inf  -> positive K(lamda)
    -inf  -> negative K(lamda)
    if lamda == 0:  # linearity
        return flt.laplace(f)
    else:           # non-linearity
        f_new = np.zeros(f.shape)
        for x in np.arange(0,f.shape[0]-1):
            for y in np.arange(0,f.shape[1]-1):
                f_new[x,y]=T(lamda,f[x+1,y]-f[x,y]) + T(lamda,f[x-1,y]-f[x,y]) + T(lamda,f[x,y+1]-f[x,y])
                + T(lamda,f[x,y-1]-f[x,y])
        return f_new

def Dirac_delta_test(tester):
    # Limit injection to unitary multiplication, not infinite
    if np.sum(sp.DiracDelta(tester)) == 0:
        return 0
        return 1

def Runge_Kutta(stimulus,lamda,t0,h,N,D,t_N):
    4th order Runge-Kutta solution to:
    linear and spatially discrete diffusion equation (ignoring leakage currents)

    Adiabatic boundary conditions prevent flux exchange over domain boundaries
    stimulus : array_like   input stimuli [t,x,y]
    lamda : int             0 +/- inf
    t0 : int                point of stimulus "injection"
    h : int                 step size
    N : int                 array size (stimulus.shape[1])
    D : int                 diffusion coefficient [constant]

    f : array_like          computed diffused array

    f = np.zeros((t_N+1,N,N)) #[time, equal shape space dimension]
    t = np.zeros(t_N+1)

    if lamda ==0:
        """    Linearity    """
        for n in np.arange(0,t_N):
            k1 = D*flt.laplace(f[t[n],:,:]) +     stimulus*Dirac_delta_test(t[n]-t0)
            k1 = k1.astype(np.float64)
            k2 = D*flt.laplace(f[t[n],:,:]+(0.5*h*k1)) +     stimulus*Dirac_delta_test((t[n]+(0.5*h))- t0)
            k2 = k2.astype(np.float64)
            k3 = D*flt.laplace(f[t[n],:,:]+(0.5*h*k2)) + stimulus*Dirac_delta_test((t[n]+(0.5*h))-t0)
            k3 = k3.astype(np.float64)
            k4 = D*flt.laplace(f[t[n],:,:]+(h*k3)) + stimulus*Dirac_delta_test((t[n]+h)-t0)
            k4 = k4.astype(np.float64)
            f[n+1,:,:] = f[n,:,:] + (h/6.) * (k1 + 2.*k2 + 2.*k3 + k4)
            t[n+1] = t[n] + h
        return f

        """    Non-Linearity   THIS IS SLOW  """
        for n in np.arange(0,t_N):
            k1 = D*Diffusion_operator(lamda,f[t[n],:,:],t[n]) + stimulus*Dirac_delta_test(t[n]-t0)
            k1 = k1.astype(np.float64)
            k2 = D*Diffusion_operator(lamda,(f[t[n],:,:]+(0.5*h*k1)),t[n]) + stimulus*Dirac_delta_test((t[n]+(0.5*h))- t0)
            k2 = k2.astype(np.float64)
            k3 = D*Diffusion_operator(lamda,(f[t[n],:,:]+(0.5*h*k2)),t[n]) + stimulus*Dirac_delta_test((t[n]+(0.5*h))-t0)
            k3 = k3.astype(np.float64)
            k4 = D*Diffusion_operator(lamda,(f[t[n],:,:]+(h*k3)),t[n]) + stimulus*Dirac_delta_test((t[n]+h)-t0)
            k4 = k4.astype(np.float64)
            f[n+1,:,:] = f[n,:,:] + (h/6.) * (k1 + 2.*k2 + 2.*k3 + k4)
            t[n+1] = t[n] + h

        return f

# Code to run
N=arr.shape[1]  # Image size
D = 0.3   # Diffusion coefficient [0>D>1]
h = 1     # Runge-Kutta step size [h > 0]
t0 = 0    # Injection time 
t_N = 100 # End time

f_out_equil = Runge_Kutta(stimulus,0,t0,h,N,D,t_N)
f_out_min = Runge_Kutta(stimulus,-1,t0,h,N,D,t_N)
f_out_max = Runge_Kutta(stimulus,1,t0,h,N,D,t_N)

In short, f_out_equil is relatively quick to calculate, whereas min and max cases are expensive and slow.

Here's a link to an image I have been using:

Tips on improving my coding appreciated, Many thanks,

Here's a quick plotting script for the output

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig1, (ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4,ax5) = plt.subplots(ncols=5, figsize=(15,5))


  • For loops in python tend to be slow; you can get a massive speedup by vectorizing as much as you can. (This is going to help you a lot with any numerical problems going forward). The new T operator works on the full array all at once, and the calls to np.roll in Diffusion_operator line the image array up properly for the finite difference calculations.

    Whole thing ran in about 10 s on my computer.

    def T(lamda,x): 
        T Operator
        lambda is a "steering" constant between 3 behavior states
        0     -> linearity 
        +inf  -> max
        -inf  -> min
        if lamda == 0:  # linearity
            return x
        elif lamda > 0: #  Half-wave rectification
            maxval = np.zeros_like(x)
            return np.array([x, maxval]).max(axis=0)
        elif lamda < 0: # Inverse half-wave rectification
            minval = np.zeros_like(x)
            return np.array([x, minval]).min(axis=0)
    def Diffusion_operator(lamda,f,t): 
        2D Spatially Discrete Non-Linear Diffusion
        Special case where lambda == 0, operator becomes Laplacian        
        D : int                      diffusion coefficient
        h : int                      step size
        t0 : int                     stimulus injection point
        stimulus : array-like        luminance distribution     
        f : array-like               output of diffusion equation
        0     -> linearity (T[0])
        +inf  -> positive K(lamda)
        -inf  -> negative K(lamda)
        if lamda == 0:  # linearity
            return flt.laplace(f)
        else:           # non-linearity
            f_new = T(lamda,np.roll(f,1, axis=0) - f) \
                    + T(lamda,np.roll(f,-1, axis=0) - f) \
                    + T(lamda,np.roll(f, 1, axis=1) - f) \
                    + T(lamda,np.roll(f,-1, axis=1) - f)
            return f_new