I have two parallel directives (as apposed to parent-child) and I want them to communicate via a service using observable if possible. I've read the official component interaction guidline, but it talks about parent-child interaction. I tried to make a plunker with two directives but it doesn't work.
Basically, what I want is to create a service:
export class DirService {
contentSource = new Subject();
content$ = this.contentSource.asObservable();
And then, use this service to make a bridge between < dir1 > and < dir2 >. Could someone point out how to implement this senerio?
Btw, I choose to use observable mainly because:
If you add the "shared" service to providers
of each component
selector: 'dir2',
template: '{{field}}',
providers: [DirService]
then for each component a new instance is maintained.
To get a shared service you either add it only in bootstrap(AppComponent, [DirService])
or one common ancestor of the components and directives that defines the root component and the scope of the shared service.
This way every descendant gets the same instance.
See also
- AngularJs 2 - multiple instance of service created
- How to use Dependency Injection (DI) correctly in Angular2?