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Parse retrieve User

I would like to ask why the console print something like this

[<PFUser: 0x7fd991f4eff0, objectId: wWfeR2MZQi, localId: (null)> {

while another print

<PFUser: 0x7fd991f145e0, objectId: wWfeR2MZQi, localId: (null)> {
    ACL = "<PFACL: 0x7fd991f2d3f0>";
    displayName = alexander;
    email = "";
    username = alexander;

, I is both PFUSer but they printed out different thing .


  • Both the PFUser are different (You can identify by 0x7fd991f4eff0 and 0x7fd991f145e0) but belongs to same class or say table (in Parse). And please check that either of the PFUser instance is nil of not...