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web scraping - getting values of particular nodes inside an element

I am having html like below:

<article class="">                 

 <p><strong>Jamshedpur:</strong> Three members of a family were beaten to death, allegedly by some villagers on charge of stealing a cattle in Udajo village of West Singhbhum district, police said on Saturday.</p><p>The incident took place on Thursday but the bodies, which were dumped in a jungle boring Naxal-hit Tonto area of the distirct, was yet to be recovered.</p><figure class="article_img">

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        </div><div style="height: auto; width: 100%; text-align: center; padding: 0px; margin: auto; position: relative; overflow: hidden; background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%;" class="_adSenceImagePushContainer"><iframe width="728" height="90" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" class="_adSenceImagePush" loadstatus="1" data-width="728" data-height="90" style="height:90px !important; min-height:90px !important; width:728px !important; overflow:hidden;bottom:0px;margin:0 auto 15px;position:relative; background: transparent; z-index: 2; -moz-transform: scale(1); -o-transform: scale(1); -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); max-width:initial !important;" hov-data-host="" hov-data-section="news/*" hov-data-wom="web" hov-data-id="21" hov-data-default="true"></iframe></div><p>The victims were identified as Sukra Koda (30), his cousins Sanatan Laguri (32) and Surja Laguri (25). They were allegedly caught by the villagers and thrashed with lathis on charge of taking away a cattle, said the officer-in charge of the concerned police station, Sahdeo Toppo.</p><p>Toppo said the bodies have allegedly been dumped in the jungle but could not yet been recovered the area being a disturbed one.</p><p>A police team will be sent on Sunday to the spot to recover the bodies.</p><p>Meanwhile, an FIR has been registered against 13 villagers in this connection, he said adding that no one was arrested as yet. </p>             <!--tech poll -->

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I want to fetch p tags inside article tag. I am using:

$doc = new DOMDocument();

$paragraph = $doc->getElementsByTagName('article');


        foreach($paragraph as $para) 



But above code returns me whole content inside article tag whereas i want only p tags inside article.

I have tried using properties like nodeName and childNodes but it didn't help. I have referred following links for understanding as I am naive to web scraping but could not find solution tutorial and childnodes

Please give me some exemplary solution. thanks in advance.


  • I got the solution above requirement can be met using xpath

        $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); 
    $news_paras = $xpath->query("//article//p"); 
    $parag = array(); 
    foreach ($news_paras as $news_para) 
    { $parag[]=$news_para->nodeValue; }