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Ensure that target device has developer mode enabled. Could not obtain a developer license due to error

I am following this tutorial and get the following error:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error DEP0100 : Please ensure that target device has developer mode enabled. Could not obtain a developer license due to error 800704C7.

I am not sure how to do so in the Raspberry Pi 3 (which I have fed its public IP in front of Target Machine in the Debug tab of Properties in the solution explorer. I am debugging on the remote machine selecting ARM as the screenshot below shows. Any information is appreciated specially if you have experience with Windows 10 IoT core.

My laptop is running Windows 10 enterprise and I am using Visual Studio 2015 community edition. I am planning to run the Blinky example provided by MS IoT team remotely on the Raspberry Pi that already is running Windows 10 insider edition. enter image description here


  • Solved the problem by going to the "For developers" settings dialog (you can search for it with this string in the "Start" button), and selecting the developer mode like the following screenshot.

    enter image description here