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How to get the parentViewController in childViewController?

I have a main UIViewController and named AddInformationController. In this mainViewController I have two UIContainerView. Each of them embed with a UITableViewController. The table view controllers are named InformationSegmentController and ResultSegmentController.

I put this in AddInformationController:

InformationSegmentController *isc = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentfier:@"InformationSegmentController"];
ResultSegmentController *rsc = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @"ResultSegmentController"];
[self addChildViewController: isc];
[self addChildViewController: rsc];

In either the InformationSegmentController class or ResultSegmentController class, I tried to Log this: NSLog(@"%@",self.parentViewController); But unfortunately, it is a nil. How can I get the parentViewController correctly? Do I have to use the prepareForSegue?

// Question Update:

I found that I don't have to call addChildViewController method again if I create those childViewControllers directly in my storyboard.

I have tried to NSLog(@"%@", self.childViewControllers) in my AddInformationController and the result contains InformationSegmentController class and ResultSegmentController class.

But the problem is when I call NSLog(@"%@", self.parentViewController) on both childViewContorllers in viewDidLoad, the results is nil.


  • You have to try like this

    //add childview
        [self addChildViewController:aVC];
        [self.view addSubview:aVC.view];
        [aVC didMoveToParentViewController:self];
        [self removeFromParentViewController];
        [self didMoveToParentViewController:nil];
        [self.view removeFromSuperview];

    Hope it Helps you.

    another way to get PerentViewController in ChildViewControler is Make @property (strong, nonatomic) AddInformationController *ParentVC; in Your ChildViewController.h and assign viewController from your ParentViewController Like

    InformationSegmentController *isc = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentfier:@"InformationSegmentController"];
    isc.ParentVC = self;
    [self addChildViewController: isc];