What is the correct way to go about automatically running some setup code (either in R or C++) once per package loading? Ideally, said code would execute once the user did library(mypackage)
. Right now, it's contained in a setup()
function that needs to be run once before anything else.
Just for more context, in my specific case, I'm using an external library that uses glog and I need to execute google::InitGoogleLogging()
once and only once. It's slightly awkward because I'm trying to use it within a library because I have to, even though it's supposed to be called from a main
Just read 'Writing R Extensions' and follow the leads -- it is either .onAttach()
or .onLoad()
. I have lots of packages that do little things there -- and it doesn't matter this calls to C++ (via Rcpp or not) as you are simply asking about where to initialise things.
Example: Rblpapi creates a connection and stores it
.pkgenv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
if (getOption("blpAutoConnect", FALSE)) {
con <- blpConnect()
if (getOption("blpVerbose", FALSE)) {
packageStartupMessage(paste0("Created and stored default connection object ",
"for Rblpapi version ",
packageDescription("Rblpapi")$Version, "."))
} else {
con <- NULL
assign("con", con, envir=.pkgenv)
I had some (not public) code that set up a handle (using C++ code) to a proprietary database the same way. The key is that these hooks guarantee you execution on package load / attach which is what you want here.