Search code examples

MYSQL Sorting By Multiple Join Children

I cannot seem to figure out a way to sort sql queries by joined children.

Database Example:

Table: posts

| id   | title   |
| 0    |'title1' |
| 1    |'title2' |
| 2    |'title3' |

Table: post_meta

| id   | post_id | key      | value   |
| 0    |0        |'coolness'| 5       |
| 1    |0        |'desc'    |'random' |
| 2    |0        |'author'  |'bill'   |
| 3    |1        |'coolness'| 2       |
| 4    |1        |'desc  '  |'random' |
| 5    |2        |'author'  |'joe'    |
| 6    |2        |'coolness'| 9       |

I want a list of posts (or just post ids) ordered by their 'coolness' meta number (asc or desc). I dont know if I should be selecting from the posts table and joining on the meta table, or vise-versa. When I join on the post_meta table I only get data from one of the meta rows, so if I just add an order by post_meta.coolness nothing happens.



  • If you just want the id, you can use the post_meta table:

    select pm.post_id
    from post_meta pm
    where pm.key = 'coolness'
    order by pm.value + 0;

    The + 0 is to convert the value (presumably a string) to a number.

    If you need other columns related to the post, you can join in the posts table.